About this blog: It consists of free articles and pictures based on erwan's recent interests only (most are related to education field) and the rest are about the ongoing issues. Some are taken and linked from the source sites while the others are of his own. FYI, the links (in the side bar) are also prepared due to the needs of his job; to encourage his students to learn English via internet, to provide them with helpful sources, and gadgets, and to communicate with them as well. However, visitors from worldwide are also welcome here. Please leave your comments in any space provided to make it better and better in the days to come. Belajar bahasa itu indah Thank you.


Mulai tahun pelajaran 2013-2014 ini saya hijrah mengajar ke kelas XII IS 1, 2 dan 3. Buat bocah rombel X kemaren yang pernah belajar bareng saya dan masuk ke kelas diatas ' I just wanna say, Hey, It's you again! and you know what? as I told you all before, E-Primbon kalian di rombel X kemarin kudu diaktifkan kembali. Well? Any problem? It's never too late to start all over again. Saat bekerja telah tiba. Ayo Semangat!
Anyway, buat bocah rombel X yang baru gabung di SMADA Tahun ini masih boleh browsing dan unduh apa aja di blog ini atawa di blog rombel X RSBI. Raw material nya di sini ato di sana.
Terimakasih. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

How to express your feelings in English

A angry "She was angry with her boss for criticising her work." "He made her very angry." annoyed "I'm very annoyed with him. He hasn't returned any of my calls." "She was annoyed by his suggestion that she was lazy." appalled very shocked: "The staff were appalled to hear that they would all lose their jobs." apprehensive slightly worried about the future: "I felt a little apprehensive before my interview." ashamed "How could you say such a thing? You should be ashamed of yourself!" at the end of your tether completely fed up: "The children have been misbehaving all day - I'm at the end of my tether."

B bewildered very confused: "He was bewildered by the choice and range of computers in the shop, and didn't know which one to buy." betrayed when your trust in someone is destroyed by what they do or say: "He betrayed my trust when he repeated my secret to everyone." C confused "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday - I was confused about the dates." confident sure of your abilities: "I'm confident that we can find a solution to this problem." cheated when you don't get something that you think you deserve: "Of course I feel cheated - I should have won that competition." cross quite angry: "I was cross with him for not helping me, as he said he would." D depressed very sad: "After he failed his English exam, he was depressed for a week." delighted very happy: "I'm delighted that I got the job. It's just what I always wanted." down in the dumps sad and fed up: "What's the matter with him? He's so down in the dumps these days." disappointed "She was disappointed by her son's poor results at school." E ecstatic extremely happy: "When he asked her to marry him she was ecstatic." excited "I'm excited by the new opportunities that the internet brings." emotional you have strong feelings (happy or sad) and you cry: "After the operation was over and he knew that he was healthy again, he became quite emotional." envious when you want something that someone else has: "I'm very envious of her happiness - I wish I was happy too." embarrassed slightly ashamed: "I felt so embarrassed about what I said, that my face went bright red." F furious very angry: "I was furious with him for breaking my favourite vase." frightened "As a child she was frightened by the dark." G great very good: "I feel great today!" H happy "She was happy to hear the good news." horrified = very shocked: "I'm horrified by the amount of violence on television today." I irritated = annoyed: "I get so irritated when he changes TV channels without asking me first." intrigued being so interested in something you have to find out more: "I'm intrigued to hear about your safari in Kenya - you have to show me the photos." J jealous = envious: "She was jealous of her sister's new toy." jaded tired and having no interest: "New employees think this is a great company, but after 10 years here, I've seen it all and I just feel jaded." K keen "I'm keen to see your new house - I've heard lots about it." "I'm keen on keeping fit." L lazy: "I can't be bothered to do anything today - I feel really lazy!" lucky: "I'm going to play the lottery - I feel lucky today!" let down disappointed: "You said you would come to the meeting, but when you didn't, I felt really let down." M maternal feeling protective and loving, like a mother: "Looking at my sister's new baby made me feel really maternal." N nonplussed so surprised that you don't know what to do next: "I was so nonplussed by his sudden announcement that I couldn't say anything." negative when you can only see the disadvan***es: "I feel very negative about my job - the hours are too long and the pay is awful." O overwhelmed so much emotion that you don't know what to say or do: "I was overwhelmed by the offer of promotion at work." over the moon delighted: "She was over the moon with her new bicycle and rode it every day for a whole year." P positive opposite of negative - seeing the good side of something: "She's a very positive person and never lets anything get her down." positive very sure: "Are you sure that's what you want? Yes - I'm positive." pensive thoughtful: "You're in a very pensive mood today. Is everything OK?" R relaxed "I was completely relaxed after I came back from holiday." reluctant when you don't want to do something: "I'm reluctant to buy a new car - the one we have is fine." S seething extremely angry, but hiding it: "She was seething after her boss criticised her." sad: "It makes me sad to see all those animals in cages at the zoo." scared frightened: "Are you scared of heights?" stressed being worried or anxious about something so you can't relax: "I feel really stressed at work - I need a break." "He was stressed out by all the travelling in his job." T terrific fantastic, really good: "I feel terrific today!" terrible ill or tired: "I've got a blinding headache and I feel terrible." terrified very scared: "She's terrified of spiders and screams whenever she sees one." tense not relaxed: "You look a bit tense. Did you have a bad day at work?" U upset angry or unhappy: "I'm sorry you're upset - I didn't mean to be rude." unhappy sad: "I was unhappy to hear that I hadn't got the job." V victimised to feel you are the victim of someone or something: "My boss kept criticising me and not the others, so I felt quite victimised." W wonderful great: "I felt wonderful after such a relaxing weekend This article is copied from this site

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