Setelah menerima kritik dan saran dari sejumlah siswa yang belum berhasil melihat tayangan daftar nilai Ujian Akhir Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris anak rombel X, maka saya berusaha nyoba untuk menayangkannya lagi (mudah2an kali ini no problem) OK tanpa basa basi silahkan diamati sendiri (mm, berdua ato bertiga juga boleh, hehe) perolehannya berikut ini. Eh jangan melamun lagi..Ayo dilihat.
About this blog: It consists of free articles and pictures based on erwan's recent interests only (most are related to education field) and the rest are about the ongoing issues. Some are taken and linked from the source sites while the others are of his own. FYI, the links (in the side bar) are also prepared due to the needs of his job; to encourage his students to learn English via internet, to provide them with helpful sources, and gadgets, and to communicate with them as well. However, visitors from worldwide are also welcome here. Please leave your comments in any space provided to make it better and better in the days to come. Belajar bahasa itu indah Thank you.
Mulai tahun pelajaran 2013-2014 ini saya hijrah mengajar ke kelas XII IS 1, 2 dan 3. Buat bocah rombel X kemaren yang pernah belajar bareng saya dan masuk ke kelas diatas ' I just wanna say, Hey, It's you again! and you know what? as I told you all before, E-Primbon kalian di rombel X kemarin kudu diaktifkan kembali. Well? Any problem? It's never too late to start all over again. Saat bekerja telah tiba. Ayo Semangat!
Anyway, buat bocah rombel X yang baru gabung di SMADA Tahun ini masih boleh browsing dan unduh apa aja di blog ini atawa di blog rombel X RSBI. Raw material nya di sini ato di sana.
Terimakasih. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Anyway, buat bocah rombel X yang baru gabung di SMADA Tahun ini masih boleh browsing dan unduh apa aja di blog ini atawa di blog rombel X RSBI. Raw material nya di sini ato di sana.
Terimakasih. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Jumat, 19 Juni 2009
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Mantab nilai2 ujianx sir...
BalasHapusOiia,,tugas remedi saya belom selesai sir...
Ntar klo uda slesai,,saya kasih ke sir secepatx...
Good evening...
ok dee RIRI, ditunggu. Eh, ko temen2 kamu masih banyak yg ga ngerti harus ngapain ya? bikin link sumber bahan malah bikin link blog temen2. bukan ga boleh sih tapi kan bukan yang dimaksud? eh, kamu ngerti kan? bagus deh
BalasHapushello sir. :)
BalasHapushow with the end result my english language sir ?
Hello Ais.. :)
BalasHapusAhh...Speak English after all? that's good. Keep it that way, will you? your Score? Go on working with the e-primbon and you'll see what you get. good luck and be good with English.
BalasHapusmantap hasil ujianny sir.. :(
it remedny yg bikin e-primbon ya sir?
saya udah bikin..
don't forget visit my blog sir... :)